Isn't it time to




Your power to Educate & Raise

Confident, Resilient, Values driven,



Join RECLAIM Community!

Change Begins With Us

In a Turbulent, Disconnected World, Let us Reimagine Our Purpose In Motherhood & Reclaim Our Power To Change The World

one child, one home, one community at a time.

Change truly begins at home. With us and from within us.

Join a community of mothers who are RECLAIMING their POWER: To Raise and Educate Lifelong Learners, Doers and Leaders of tomorrow.

It is time to RECLAIM your most important, influential and impactful years as a parent. You can choose to do this work with grace, sincerity and excellence and not as a tired, overwhelmed and overworked mother. 

You have an unmatched opportunity, a God-given position to leave a lasting legacy for generations to come. And unlike what you may have imagined, this does not take more work, sacrifice or overwhelm, or losing your sanity or yourself in the process. It simply takes a different approach. 


Isn't it time to RECLAIM


 their fleeting childhood, our true purpose in Motherhood and our time together as a family?


Do you wish to raise life long learners and raise responsible children - the simple and enjoyable way?

Do you long for an intentional family life filled with adventures and meaningful pursuits instead of constantly meeting the needs and expectations of others? 

Do you wish to raise children in a way that they are able to insha'Allah reach their highest potential as human beings? 

Do you wish to raise children with resilience, upright character, strong emaan and a sense of right and wrong based on the values of our deen? 

Are you ready to lead and guide your children's education and upbringing for long term success? I mean success beyond college admissions and material/academic success?

Do you wonder if homeschooling can be an option worth exploring but worry it would be stressful and become more work for you as a mother?

Do you wish to start, simplify & thrive in Homeschooling and give your children a solid foundation for life?

Do you want to learn a developmentally appropriate way of raising children (even if you don't choose to homeschool)?


I wanted this too

I looked into public schools, private schools, islamic schools, Montessori schools, even made a cross country move but didn't find a school that satisfied my expectations. I think I had read way too many books and my concern for my child's eman was too big a concern.

I found myself exploring homeschooling and was absolutely blown away by the statistics on it. Despite all the bad rep, my own negative bias and misinformation/ stereotyping , it seemed full of promise and serious potential. 

As I entered the world of 'homeschooling' some thirteen years ago, I realized that there is a lot to learn and grow into, if I wanted to fulfill this responsibility well. I did just that. I threw myself into it, quit working and committed myself to implementing this lifestyle with excellence. 

I learnt different educational philosophies and methods, explored different curricula, attended trainings, adopted the best ideas - I started with a blend of Classical Education and Montessori method and had set up what looked like a little Montessori school in our basement.

I was very busy, working hard, trying to become this amazing homeschooler but I realized within a few years that this is not what my child needed nor was this sustainable. 

After facing an unexpected life circumstance that forced me to slow down abruptly and drop all of my expectations, I discovered a whole new way of learning / teaching.

I started leaning more and more into it. 

We made more time for play, open ended activities, simple family rituals and a whole lot of exploration. It aligned better with my nature, and certainly my child's fitrah

This was such a gift.

Although I was equally committed and working diligently, this was a different kind of work. It was actually enjoyable and nurturing, for me as well.

My child blossomed. He was learning rapidly. I was thriving, the tone and pace of my home life felt better, the stress levels went down as I embraced a slower rhythm with a few essentials. I could be more consistent this way and felt more confident. I felt like I could do this without losing my sanity.

This experience was transformative.

After many years of learning, experimenting and sharing these ideas, a process emerged, a way of approaching home education that is effective and does not hurt the more important work we do as mothers.

It is an approach that considers the context of family life, our own need for rest and children's developmental needs. I didn't find what I really needed anywhere and almost by incident, something evolved from all the amazing things I learnt from a variety of places and people.

 Visionary Home Education.

A systematic approach that empowers the mother to lead and direct her children's education and upbringing by leveraging on the natural processes that keeps the learner motivated and self directed. It is simple work if we start understanding the process.

This approach helps us meaningfully connect with our children while learning instead of putting us at odds and compromising the relationship.

 It does not separate our role as a mother and a teacher and considers the unique challenges of the home as a shared learning/family space. So no more power struggles or pushing and tugging.

It also considers the default conditioning we all have that needs to be addressed before anything else. 

 I have developed the Visionary Home Education (VHE) system in three iterations using design principles & systems thinking in the last five years.

Working with a small group of women from all over the world, with varying contexts and concerns, taking feedback, refining the processes and the framework itself.

As of now, this has impacted 1200+ mothers/families. Mashallah


Here are some of the institutions & teachers I have trained at/from to develop this program: Neufeld Institute, International Coaching Federation's accredited Coaching Certification, Parent Effectiveness Training (PET), Steven Hayes's ACT, NICABM(National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine), Aware Parenting by Aletha Soltzer (she studied with Jean Piaget) and Robin Grille.

I have married what was most useful in these trainings with my own collective experience as a mother/muslimah striving to do the best I can as a mother in the last fifteen years. I have built the framework ground up with a firm foundation in islamic values, prophetic(saw) tradition and the profound wisdom in Allah's book. 

I have also invited accomplished women with expert knowledge, life experience and wisdom to share their insights and skills with the mothers in our community. 

Some amazing mothers from all over the world embraced the vision of this program and committed themselves to growth and excellence. They joined us in three cohorts between 2019 to 2024 - the pilot program evolved and grew with their valuable feedback. This helped me improvise the processes and the framework (VHE) itself. 

I have brought together everything that helps a muslim mother in one place. The community, coaching and a proven holistic framework that helps her reclaim her power and embrace her role as a mother in a new way considering the socio-cultural context of our times and its unique challenges. 

Read About My Background & Full Story Here

"I am a changed mama forever. I feel confident, competent and relieved to be able to do this. Sister Noor has been an absolute God send for me. I still cannot believe that I found this. Alhamdulilah"

United States

"My whole perspective in life and outlook has changed. May Allah always guide you. Ameen"

Sofia Khan
United Kingdom

"Your work is revolutionary! This should be a mandatory workshop for every 'to be parent'. I am lucky to be alive when your work is available to us"

Dr. Miral Khalil
Virginia, United States

"I have no words to describe what you are teaching us..MashahAllah BarakAllah..Its just amazing. I have never seen things with this perspective..JazakAllahukhairan. May Allah Bless you."

Uzma Naik

"....Please take the leap. I dived into this program and it has been worth more than anything else I have ever done. I know someone might read this and think that can’t be true… But in all honestly it is. The upbringing of my 4 children is what drives me as human being and this program has given me the tools, the wisdom and knowledge to teach them."

Yasmin Abdulrashid

"...finding you was like finding a kindered spirit...Your thoughts are like pearls have done the research, have the life experiences and read so many books, and all of this you present to us busy moms in bite sized pieces that we can take and immediately put into practice. Alhamdulillah for your efforts. Not only for all the content...but for genuinely wanting to make a difference. "

Lulu Alam
Perth, Australia

"I am very grateful to you sister Noor for this program . So many of my anxieties have been laid to rest through those valuable lessons. It has given me the confidence that I am on the right track. My heart is full of gratitude as I write this . You have been beyond amazing sister Noor , guiding us and encouraging us through this journey."

Fatima Naqvi

"firstly thank you sister Noor for coming up with such a comprehensive course, truly one of its kind. Jazakallahu khair for everything, you are a gem in homeschooling/parenting community. I am also thankful to the speakers on the course as well for imparting wisdom and sharing experiences."

Subia Fatima

RECLAIM will do this for you

  • Revolutionize your family life / home education experience with our UNIQUE 'Visionary Home Education' FRAMEWORK and COMPREHENSIVE , Integrated Approach that makes home education / Intentional Motherhood a lasting success and joy for the entire family.
  • Replace stress, anxiety and feelings of overwhelm with ease, everyday success and contentment.
  • Make the precious, fleeting childhood / Motherhood count and lay a strong foundation for their future and your adult life. 
  • It will help you raise self directed, motivated learners, doers and change makers. Inshallah.
  • Cultivate a lifestyle where learning is a natural consequence and ignite a genuine love of learning in their hearts! 
  • Cultivate a family lifestyle rooted in respect for knowledge and excellence in education.
  • Build and Design a family life where everyone  functions and aspires for the highest ideals. You get to make meaningful living an everyday reality Inshallah.
  • Learn from experts in Education and Parenting. So you can learn from the wisdom and experience of others and avoid repeating mistakes and prioritize what works.
  • Help you build effective home teaching skills, techniques and habits that are relevant to the unique Home Setting. Home is the first school and cultivating it with the right mindset and approaches will help you support your child's education.
  • Instead of chasing resources, buying curricula you may never use, focus on understanding children's needs, family dynamics and our unique role. This makes homeschooling / Parenting simple, easy and sustainable.
  • Grow and learn in a community of like minded, committed, intentional mothers like you.
  • Embody the lessons you wish to teach and achieve all of your tarbiyah goals by making investments and improvements in areas of life that give long term gains - for you and your children.
  • Learn the holistic framework that will give you a clear roadmap to thrive not just as a home educator but far beyond it. Your growth is vital and consideration for family life and motherhood struggles is essential for building a healthy family life where children flourish.

Our Coaches / Contributors


Listen to what our community members have to say about the program and how it has affected their homeschooling, parenting and personal life. (Please Note: These are reviews of the different programs within the VHE system)

"Homeschooling is getting easier.."


"This is one of the best courses I have taken.."


"I cannot emphasize enough how beneficial this program has been.."


"I would read all these books but I couldn't change myself... until I took this course"


"It is not just a Homeschooling course. It is a transformational course.

This community has helped me become a better and a sane mom"


"A year ago I was a different person and now I am a different person... I have really started to see them (my children)...."


"This course is truly comprehensive... It is just amazing!"


"It has even deepened my understanding of Montessori education"


Enrollment is currently closed!

Please get on the waitlist to join RECLAIM


50% Complete

Get on the waitlist! Receive FREE invite to join our course.   

On August 10th, 2021 we will sending an email to everyone currently on the waitlist to sign up for our transformational program on Home Education designed for new and existing homeschoolers alike. 

We will be sharing a unique, framework that is sure to change the everyday home education / parenting experience. 

This program will help you unlearn so much about education and parenting that no longer serves the families in our time. It will help you re-imagine your homeschool journey and prepare you in a unique way for an exciting year. Inshallah

We will hand you a success road map that we use in our highly effective mentorship program for mothers who home educate.

This program will be offered at no cost for a limited time only to our email subscribers. Yes, you read that right! This program will be for FREE but please note that the FREE Registration link will be active only for 48 hours and beyond that there will be a nominal fee to access the program. 

This program will run for two full weeks starting mid August.

Please share this with other friends. You do not want to miss this!! Dates/timings and other details will be shared in the email invite.

Please note that the free registration link will be shared to our email list so it's important to be on our list. Sign up is on a FIRST come FIRST serve basis.